What the world needs now
Is Love
Sweet Love

Quill Podcast Review
a quirky & humorous duo
Commerce Chefs, hosted by Tom Collver and Kyle Dutka (founders of top rated D2C creative agency, pb+j), dives into what it takes to create a magical ecommerce brand. It’s an investigative, interview style series where Tom and Kyle will chat with various commerce leaders - and as they say “indefinitely borrow” their wisdom.
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8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021
This podcast is cooking up some noteworthy eComm goodness.
Hosted by Tom Collver and Kyle Dutka, founders of eComm creative agency, pb+j, this series was created to help commerce professionals better themselves and their brand.
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I learned so much in one episode!
I’ve always been interested in e-commerce but never understood the secret sauce that makes it successful. Just one episode had so many juicy details! 👏
— SarLorJohn88
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Awesome E-Commerce Podcast
An awesome podcast to listen to & a lot to learn from!! Love that they feature a new guest every week. Thank you to Kyle and Tom for the quality content. Will leave you feeling inspired. 5/5!!
— Linds062
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Words... with friends?
I think so.
When I want to hear words, I want to hear them from friends. A short dive into this audio ensemble reveals one truth: Commerce Chefs are your friends. Listen. Learn. Immerse. And then go out and commercialize.
— Andrewsorlie
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A Great Listen
Love listening to you guys. Fun, yet thought provoking and interesting. Keep up the great work.
— Lazarus_ross
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Brilliant Podcast!
Leave it to Tom and Kyle to create an interesting and relevant e-commerce podcast that couldn’t be more fun to listen to! So many insightful nuggets of information bookended by plenty laughs - thanks Commerce Chefs!
— EAGlee25
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Entertaining Banter And Informative Information
Love how this is presented, the banter and chemistry between Kyle and Tom is entertaining and engaging. Hearing input from experts and then Tom and Kyle’s thoughts through their experience provides a depth in addition to the entertaining presentation. I would highly recommend this podcast.
— Jer73
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Good Friends
With Good Friends
Tom and Kyle have been collecting people in the know for a long time. It’s nice to hear them all talk so casually every week about ecomm and its tricks. Thanks guys :)
— ColeyCopy
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More important than ever
Understanding the world of e-commerce will be essential for any business looking to survive and thrive in today’s new economy. Kyle and Tom help you keep up with it all. Fantastic editing as well!
— keepitup1234
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🎉🎉These guys are the real deal!!!
After working with Kyle and Tom, I can say that there is no other team that can do the work they do when it comes to eve baying e-commerce brands. They have the experience and the know how to deliver on everything they promise through the podcast. I’m loving the show so far. Their funny, on brand, and relevant. Their guests really are experts in their field. If you’re serious about taking your next e-commerce venture to the start then you need to listen and follow along!